History & membership
On the 12th December 2001. several active radio amateur old timers, lovers of telegraphy, founded the Croatian Telegraphy Club - CTC.
Club welcomes membership applications from telegraphy lovers from all parts of the world.
The only requirement for prospective members of CTC is that CW should be their main or only mode of operation on the amateur bands.
If membership application is submitted by E-mail, then no fee is required and membership is free (no money - mail us only your name and call sign) .
In case application is by post please include 15 USD or 10 euro cash in envelope by airmail, which is a contribution towards postage including the package of Club’s Certificate of membership .
It is the Club's principle of supporting CW and that is far more important than any financial consideration.
In order to become a member of CTC, send your application, quoting call sign, date of birth and (where possible) E-mail address to :
Croatian Telegraphy Club
Franjevacka 5
42220 Novi Marof
Croatia, EU
E-mail: ctc@hi.ht.hr
Rules of CTC are as follows:
1) CTC is an association with free membership for telegraphy lovers across the world.
2) The only requirement is that members be active radio amateur CW operators.
3) The aims of CTC are to support and promote CW as an active mode to teach new telegraphy operators
and to increase the numbers of CW operators on the amateur bands.
4) CTC will, from time to time, organise activity periods and contests.
5) CTC will have only a chairman and one secretary.
6) A membership number (one callsign – one membership number) will be issued to every member, which they will be able to quote on QSL cards, letters etc.
7) The Club logo is an image of a hand key with the text "Croatian Telegraphy Club".
8) The CTC can have a stamp like an emblem. A rubber "CTC logo" stamp will be available to members.
9) Although there is no membership fee, voluntary contributions can be made (towards the costs of orga-
nizing activity periods, contests etc)
10) 12th December 2001 is the inauguration date of CTC and on this date each year members can celebrate its“Birthday“ by their activity on the CW section of the radio amateurs bands .
Under or instead of the "Croatian Telegraphy Club" in our
common symbol you can write in call sign - CTC # number .
This membership number is valid only for this call sign .
Because our Club is member of the European CW Association
EUCWA, CTC members are allowed to use besides our Club's
this EUCWA symbol - (take a look at "Links") either alone (the
best) or in combination with your club's symbol or on your QSL
cards, whatever and wherever you like.
CTC frequencies : 3.530 - 7.015 - 14.030 - 21.030 - 28.030 MHz
for daily CW meetings. Call : CQ CTC.
Every second Friday in December from 00.00 UT to 24.00 UT
we can be together on this frequencies (the CTC's Birthday).
If you wish the CTC Certificate of membership send us by post 5
euro or 8 USD cash in envelope which cover postal expenses to
the address :
Croatian Telegraphy Club
Franjevacka 5
42220 Novi Marof
Croatia, EU Chairman Den – 9A3FO